Rebecca Martin’s Group TILLERY with Gretchen Parlato and Becca Stevens Offer Workshops and Masterclasses in 2013

Tillery. Photo credit:  Mark Niskanen


TILLERY,  a collaboration between Rebecca Martin, Gretchen Parlato and Becca Stevens is pleased to announce two unique study opportunities, a mix of masterclasses and workshops being offered this year on the West coast. They are open to all musicians and creatives no matter your instrument.  Please have a look below and write to Rebecca Martin at with any questions.


SAN FRANCISCO, CA:     Sunday, September 22th, 2013  (Workshop)

TILLERY is pleased to visit the Jazzschool in San Francisco this fall!  The Jazzschool is an innovative nonprofit organization dedicated to the study and performance of jazz — America’s indigenous art form —and related styles of music from around the world. Founded in 1997, the Jazzschool is located in the historic Kress Building at Shattuck and Addison, in the heart of the Downtown Berkeley Arts District. The Jazzschool is part of a vibrant East Bay arts community that includes the Freight & Salvage, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Aurora Theatre, East Bay Media Center and renowned Cal Performances at the University of California. Hailed as one of the nation’s most comprehensive centers for jazz studies, the Jazzschool offers instrumentalists and vocalists of all ages and skill levels a broad spectrum of performance ensembles, lectures, workshops and private instruction. Courses are designed for the professional musician, the serious student and the jazz aficionado seeking personal enrichment. A multi-faceted institution, the Jazzschool comprises several key components.

The Jazzschool hosts a full day Workshop with Rebecca Martin, Gretchen Parlato and Becca Stevens of TILLERY

2087 Addison Street
Berkeley, CA.  94704

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013
10:00am – 4:30pm

$150 per participant

For more information, contact: or call 510/845-5373


LOS ANGELES, CA:     Tuesday, September 24th, 2013  (Masterclass)

We are really excited to partner up with Gretchen’s sister Heather Parlato and the space that she helps to program called ‘Betalevel’.  This hip ‘rough and tumble’ venue is described as ‘part studio, part club, part stage, and part screen;  Betalevel is located in a basement in Chinatown, Los Angeles, and plays host to various media events such as screenings, performances, classes, lectures, debates, dances, readings, and tournaments. Its members are artists, programmers, writers, musicians, designers, agit-propers, filmmakers, and reverse-engineers.’

It’s best to locate the space by clicking on the link to ‘directions’ below – as the door is somewhat hidden behind Hill Street. Don’t worry. We’ll give you a number to call after you register just in case (“Don’t worry, Jake. It’s Chinatown.” I’ve always wanted to use that somewhere) – so join us for an evening masterclass session!

“The Methods, Process and Practice in Singing and Songwriting“ A masterclass with Rebecca Martin, Gretchen Parlato and Becca Stevens of TILLERY  – “The Methods, process and practice in Singing and Songwriting” will take participants on a journey through the musical paths and varied songwriting methods of Tillery’s Rebecca Martin, Gretchen Parlato and Becca Stevens.  This revealing workshop will enlighten and inspire through a range of topics that include early musical experiences, writers block, breakthroughs, connecting your creative work to your daily life and finding your true voice.  During the session, participants will be led through several unique songwriting processes with hands on writing and composing exercises done individually and in collective groups. Guaranteed to get the creative juices flowing!

“The Methods, Process and Practice in Singing and Songwriting” Workshop with Rebecca Martin, Gretchen Parlato and Becca Stevens of TILLERY


 963 N. Hill Street (right behind)
in Chinatown

 Tuesday, September 24th, 2013
6:00pm – 9:00pm

$90 per participant


You must register online to participate! Click on this image to do so.

The workshop is open to all participants 16 or older. All levels welcome.
Be on the look out for an email from us shortly after you register.

Sponsored by Larrecca Music, Inc. 
